by Kelly Graham

by Pierre-Philippe Reiller


This article was published in the Rotman Alumni magazine in the fall of 2004, for the benefit of my hard working fellows MBA.
Click on the picture to read the article

















































Fly friendly skies with dad




This article was published in the Globe and Mail on July 27, 2001

I have been trying to contact the author (see bottom of page) but despite being unsuccessful, I decided that I should post this article on my site for two reasons. The second one is that it is very well written. The first one is that it is a beautiful testimony of what I would have loved to share with my two sons, Jérémie and Le Benj. Unfortunately, I was deprived of the basic right of simply seeing them by their mother with the help of a few canadian judges whose names do not deserve any publicity since I consider them a disgrace to the Canadian justice system.

Click here to read the article


Note: Ms. Graham, I hope that you will forgive me for publishing your article on my site without your authorization. I tried to get it through the Globe and Mail, but obtained no answer. I would like you to know that I did it for the benefit of my two children.















periple canadien



This article was published in a French magazine called Aviasport in October 2005. Unfortunately, I do not have the skills to translate it. Any volunteer will be rewarded with a true French meal.


You can also click on the picture to read the article in French (PDF format 913 Ko)





Formation au Canada




This article was published in a French magazine called Volez in March 2006. Unfortunately, I do not have the skills to translate it. Any volunteer will be rewarded with a true French meal.


You can also click on the picture to read the article in French (PDF format 457 Ko)


voyage au pays du seigneur des anneaux




This article was published in a French magazine called Aviasport in May 2006. Unfortunately, I do not have the skills to translate it. Any volunteer will be rewarded with a true French meal.


Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 3.2 Mb)


















ecole de rigueur





This article was published in a French magazine called Aviasport in June 2006. Unfortunately, I do not have the skills to translate it. Any volunteer will be rewarded with a true French meal.


Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 655 Ko)


Vols au-dessus d'un nid de coucous




This article was published in a French magazine called Aviasport in July 2006. Unfortunately, I do not have the skills to translate it. Any volunteer will be rewarded with a true French meal.


Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 835 Ko)








Voyage au pays du mont-blanc




This article was published in a French magazine called Aviasport in October 2006. Unfortunately, I do not have the skills to translate it. Any volunteer will be rewarded with a true French meal.


Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 1.12 Mb)













This article was published in a French magazine called Volez in October 2006. Unfortunately, I do not have the skills to translate it. Any volunteer will be rewarded with a true French meal.


Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 62 Ko)





quis custodiet ipsos custodes




This article was published in a French magazine called Aviasport in January 2007. Unfortunately, I do not have the skills to translate it. Any volunteer will be rewarded with a true French meal.


Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 1.0 Mb)







anges gardiens



This article was published in a French magazine called Aviasport in January 2007. Unfortunately, I do not have the skills to translate it. Any volunteer will be rewarded with a true French meal.


Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 7.9 Mb)


















































































Vols et autres delices du Beaufortain




This article was published in a French magazine called Aviasport in February 2007. Unfortunately, I do not have the skills to translate it. Any volunteer will be rewarded with a true French meal.

Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 13.2 Mb)


















Un avion nomme desir




This article was published in a French magazine called Aviasport in March 2007. Unfortunately, I do not have the skills to translate it. Any volunteer will be rewarded with a true French meal.


Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 9.8 Mb)

















Dans le sillage de vasco de gama




This article was published in a French magazine called Aviasport in March 2007. Unfortunately, I do not have the skills to translate it. Any volunteer will be rewarded with a true French meal.

Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 13.4 Mb)
















Le partenariat economique
Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 2.76 Mb)


















un heureux evenement
Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 8.3 Mb)



































Aviasport 633


Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 12.9 Mb)
















turbulente lecon






Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 12.6 Mb)





















a la recherche de l'aeronef insolite





Click on the picture to read the article in French only. (PDF format 1.08 Mb)






paradis aeronautique






Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 15.9Mb)







Paradis aéronautique


















la vision de leonardo da vinci





Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 11.2 Mb)


La vision de Leonardo da Vinci




































bush pilots et autres racontars
Bush pilots et autres racontars
Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 2.6 mb)




Aviasport January 2010















baptemes de l'AIR EDUCATIFS




Aviasport January 2010

Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 3.9 mb)


Baptêmes de l'air éducatif







Aviasport January 2010


Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 2,2 mb)

Le grizzli et l'avion



vol 041 pour paris





Vol 041 pour Paris
Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 8.4 Mb)






mythique fete aerienne
Mythique fête aérienne
Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 9.54Mb)














les conquerants de l'impossible
Les conquérants de l'impossible
Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 1.7 Mb)












une crevasse au bout des ailes
Une crevasse au bout des ailes
Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 2.8 Mb)
la derniere frontiere




Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 13.2Mb)









au coeur des vallees
Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 9.73Mb)
rencontre fortuite
Click on the picture to read the article in French only(PDF format 3.5 Mb)
Au pays des glaciers immenses
Click on the picture to read the article in French only(PDF format 1,5 Mb)












For the heavier version (28.3 Mb) click here



un jouet ravissant
Un jouet ravissant
Click on the picture to read the article in French only(PDF format 661 Kb)
la vie de chateau
Aviasport 651
Click on the picture to read the article in French only(PDF format748 Kb)
destination albertville
Aviasport 651
Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 468 Kb)
un reve d'enfance
Click on the picture to read the article in French only. (PDF format 1.66 Mb)
les heritiers d'hermann geiger
Les héritiers d'Hermann Geiger
Click on the picture to read the article in French only. (PDF format 1.44 Mb)
Entre altisurfaces et glaciers
Click on the picture to read the article in French only. (PDF format 29,9 Mb)
Ils sont fous ces belges
Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 3,4 Mb)
Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 1.6 mb)




Aviasport December 2009


















un avion de reve





Aviasport February 2010

Un avion de rêve
Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 746 Kb)






Aviasport Juin 2010

Aquarelle montagnarde
Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 780 Kb)





















Thank you to Julie Callies who had me published for the first time in Aviation et Pilote. I would like to take this opportunity to mention that I was very pleased with her professionalism, her expertise and her kindness.

Aviation et Pilote 440



Aviation et Pilote September 2010 #440










Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 220 Kb)










Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 628 Kb)

Aviasport July/August 2010



Le club des sept







Aviasport October 2010

Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 617 Kb)



Itinéraire d'une passion
















Sauvetage à Argentière
Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 394 Kb)




Aviasport September 2010














Hypoxie mon amour
Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 1.9 Mb)




Aviasport 669 December 2010





Montagne mythique
Montagne mythique
Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format2,0 Mb)




Aviasport 669 December 2010



















mecanique avion
Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 639 kb)
Mécanique avion




Aviasport 670 January 2011

valloire, un patrimoine aeronautique
Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 836 kb)




Aviasport 671 February 2011





















Aviasport 672, March 2011

Le village au trésor, le Djinn
Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 881Kb)





Une femme furtive
Une femme furtive
Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 846 Kb)




Aviasport 671 February 2011















Expedition 350
Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 5.1 Mb)




Aviasport 674 May 2011

Expedition 350
Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 5.7 Mb)




Aviasport 674 May 2011


















Cap sur Valhalla
Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 913 Kb)




Aviasport 676-677 July/August 2011










Aviasport 675 June 2011


Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 891 Kb)

















La longue route
Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 620 kb)




Ski rando magazine (October/November 2011). Thank you very much to Sylvio Egea for publishing that article.

Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 1,6 Mb)




Aviasport 679 October 2011

















Aviasport 680
Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 1,9 Mb)




Aviasport 680, November 2011


saint martin castillon
Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 1,7 Mb)




Aviasport 679 October 2011















Quand je serai grand
Aviasport 682
Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 3.7 Mb)





Aviasport 682, January, 2012



Aviasport 680
Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 2,5Mb)





Aviasport 680, November 2011

















Une visite a la jeune dame





Aviasport 683, February 2012



Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 16.0 Mb)


Oyonnair ou l'aviation apocryphe





Aviasport 683, February 2012

Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 19,6 Mb)





















Piper pub
Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format)




Aviasport 685, April 2012


Le Grand Enac
Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format format 14.3 Mb)




Aviasport 685, April 2012

















Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 21,2 Mb)



Aviasport 686, May 2012





Aviasport 686






Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 22,4 Mb)



Aviasport 686, May 2012

























Aviasport 691, October 2012

Aviasport 691




Click on the picture to read the article in French only( PDF format19,2 Mb)



l'histoire de l'aviation au maroc


Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 31,8 Mb)



Aviasport 688-689, July/August 2012


Histoire de l'aviation au Maroc
















Click on the picture to read the article in French only (format 9,6 Mb PDF)




Aviasport 743 February 2017

Rallye de precision




Aviasport 744 mars 2017

Click on the picture to read the article in French only (format 5,7 Mb PDF)






Saint jean en royans




Aviasport 694, January 2013


Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 22,4 Mb)



la legende du parc de la vanoise
Click on the picture to read the article in French only (PDF format 16,7Mb)




Aviasport 693, December 2012











instucteur en aeroclub - episode 3



Click on the picture to read the article in French only (format PDF 17,8 Mb)


Aviasport 696, March 2013





flying lifestyle, les bush pilots de l'ohio




Aviasport 695, February 2013



Click on the picture to read the article in French only (format PDF 31,0 Mb)
























Aviasport 702 September 2013

Click on the picture to read the article in French only (format PDF 1,0 Mb)






Ski rando magazine N°13 Sept/Oct/Nov 2013


Click on the picture to read the article in French only (format PDF 0,7 Mb)

















hunza matata
Click on the picture to read the article in French only (format PDF 1,8 Mb)




Ski rando magazine (December/January 2013-14)









Aviasport 704 november 2013


Click on the picture to read the article in French only (format PDF 432 Kb)














Grizzly, au pays de l'ours blanc




Aviasport 706/707 January/February 2014


Click on the picture to read the article in French only (format PDF 10,1 Mb)




Royal flying doctors, mission impossible
Click on the picture to read the article in French only (format PDF 10,3 Mb)




Aviasport 706/707 January/February 2014






Click on the picture to read the article in French only (format PDF 16,5 Mb)




Aviasport 716 November, 2014








Aviasport 711 May 2014


Click on the picture to read the article in French only(format PDF 3,9 Mb)




















Aviasport 729/730 December/January 2015/6


Click on the picture to read the article in French only (format 10,1Mb PDF)








Aviasport 721 April 2015



Click on the picture to read the article in French only (format 12,1Mb PDF)





















Aviasport 732 March 2016

Click on the picture to read the article in French only (format 10,8 Mb PDF)








Aviasport 739 October, 2016

Click on the picture to read the article in French only (format 12,6 Mb PDF















































De l'autre cote du miroir




Aviasport 755 February-March 2018

Click on the picture to read the article in French only (format 8.12 Mb PDF)
























Click on the picture to read the article in French only (format 4,2Mb PDF)

Aviasport 758 August-September 2018






Click on the picture to read the article in French only(format 20 Mb PDF)



Aviasport 758 August-September 2018









Aviasport 756 April-May 2018

Click on the picture to read the article in French only (format 6,61 Mb PDF)



















Aviasport February/March 2019


Click on the picture to read the article in French only (format PDF 12,1Mb )








To read the article, you will need to invest some money. I suggest that you click on the magazine website:

or on the picture on the right.

Ski rando magazine December/January 2019


















Click on the picture to read the article in French only(format PDF, 11,2 MB)




Aviasport September/October 2020










Aviasport December/January 2019

Click on the picture to read the article in French only(format PDF, 20 Mb)


















Click on the picture to read the article in French only(format PDF, 2.2 Mb)

Aviasport 773, March/April 2021








Aviasport 774, may/june 2021

A judiciary adventure to ensure that my level 6 in English be recognized by the DGAC.

Cliquer sur l'image pour lire l'article (format PDF, 125kb)























Aviasport 775, July/August 2021

In case of an accident, how does the search and rescue get organized

Click on the picture to read the article (format PDF, Mb)


Interception en vol!




Aviasport 778 January/February 2022

What happens when you get intercepted in flight and how to behave.


Click on the picture to read the article (format PDF, 16 Mb)


















un homme qui a du cran!




Aviasport 780 Mai-Juin 2022

How to get over a handicap and learn how to fly in order to provide humanitarian help and fly in the mountains.


Click on the picture to read the article (format PDF, 7,62Mb)

























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly. What is essential is invisible to the eye" St Exupéry